Rasim Nadzhafov

Chief Technology & Product Officer at TEN.gg, Entrepreneur

Currently, I'm a Chief Technology & Product Officer at a big product startup. I have 8 years of experience in Project/Product Management and more than 11 years in the IT Industry as a Full-stack Software Engineer. UX Designer, and a webmaster. Having a technical and business background helps me fill the gap between the business and technical worlds. I deeply understand SDLC and monetization mechanisms in IT industry products: Web, E-commerce, Low Code, Social, Dating, SaaS, B2B, B2C, Education, and Gaming. 

- Successfully managed more than 300 various products overall and led startups from scratch to industry-leading products in close partnership & cooperation with all the stakeholders.

- Successfully pitched, develop, launched, and raised 1 000 000 USD from conception to a full-scale product.

-I implemented Agile (Scrum, Kanban, Scaled Agile) from scratch in several companies. This significantly increased productivity and teams/products market-centered alignment.

- Passed Google Project Management Certification, PSM 1, Software Product Management Certification by Alberta University, Algorithms, Machine Learning, and Blockchain courses by Stanford, etc

-I have experience in international exhibitions and conferences around the world. E.g. I participated as an exhibitor in the biggest exhibition in the gaming industry ICE London 2020. I represented the company and all its products developed with my leadership/management to existing partners and participated in the promotion and sale of these products to new potential b2b clients from all over the world. Also, I collected all new market trends & requirements, and requests to translate them into technical tasks for the team to support the timely and continuous relevance of all the company's products. Now, these products are operating in 35+ countries, and 4 continents.

-For 4 years, I’ve been running my own development company. During this time I received a lot of entrepreneurial and top management experience

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Идеальное интервью. Три причины, которые мешают разработчику показать себя с лучшей стороны на собеседовании

В стремлении нанять лучшего специалиста компании отбирают 6-10 кандидатов на одну вакансию. Однако не каждый из них проходит даже телефонное интервью, и только 2-4 человека получают приглашение на собеседование в офис. Всего 2-3% кандидатов достигает финального раунда и может рассчитывать на выгодное предложение. 

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